Rose, Thorn, and Bud

Focus: Communication 

Goals: Normalize feelings and recognize that everyone has ups and downs as part of their day. This activity can be helpful for emotional education as well with the idea being that if you can name how you are feeling, you will be better able to manage the feeling.  

Materials Needed: None 


Healthy communication among families includes opportunities for all to share the hard moments and positive moments within a day. When children feel they have a safe base to discuss the highs and lows, communication can be fluid and the door will remain open for ongoing communication about many topics. A simple activity to incorporate this into the routine is for the family to find a time each day to share a “rose” (positive moment), a “thorn” (negative/challenge), and a “bud” (something they are looking forward to). This is also a wonderful way to keep in tune with the day-to-day happenings of your children in what may be a very chaotic time amid illness and treatment.  

  1. Let your family know that you have an activity you’d like for all to try. Review the concept and jointly determine the best time during the day for the new routine (e.g., around the dinner table, before bed, etc.). 
  2. The rose is their favorite thing that happened during the day. 
  3. The thorn is something that happened that caused sadness, anger, frustration, disappointment, etc. 
  4. The bud is something they are looking forward to.
  5. It is important to allow each member of the family a chance to share a rose and a thorn. And if anyone would like to “pass,” aim to inquire about their day in a different way (e.g., Was there anything you would have changed about your day?). 
  6. Incorporate into routine. Repeat daily.