Family Pictionary

Focus: Family Communication 

Goals: Encourage ongoing communication and self-expression about an illness in the family. 

Materials: Dry-erase board and markers 


  1. Everyone takes turns drawing their biggest worry or fear for the other family members to guess. 
  2. When someone guesses correctly, validate and acknowledge the fear that comes up. For example, “It is scary when I have to go to the hospital.”  
  3. When you are reflecting back the fear, it’s okay to share how that same situation makes you feel (as a parent). Then, together, begin brainstorming ideas for coping when those feelings surface (e.g., “When I’m feeling scared about going to the hospital, I try and think about how caring the medical team is and how I’ll be able to talk with you all each day.”). 
  4. Finally, allow the participant to erase the picture and make that fear/worry “disappear.” This part can be a powerful part of the game. 
  5. Ensure everyone has a turn and modify as you feel all would benefit. Other themes to focus the drawings on could be: “Coping strategies” “What brings you joy?” “What do you do when you need cheering up?” (etc.)